Friday, April 28, 2006

Everybody is doing it...

Dems do it, geeks do it,

Even my brother and niece do it.
Let's post an entry, let's start a blog.

So with the addition of my brother and niece to just about everybody else out there, I decided it was time for me to join the fray and post some entries of my own... let the blogging begin.

For my first entry, I'm simply going to talk about how I came to the point, like so many before me, of actually signing up for my very own little corner of cyber space, dedicated solely to me and whatever it is I would like to say. (A very different proposition from my website, which is strictly a business tool.)

As I write this, I am starting to come to the full realization of the enormous pressure and magnitude of the endeavor that I have undertaken. After all, once this is posted, theoretically, just about anybody in the world could conceivably read this. (Although, if I can just get my mom and a few relatives to take a look, I'd be happy.) News commentators have blogs, famous writers have blogs, people who think long and hard about important issues and then come up with important things to say have blogs, Bono has a blog, so who am I to think I should have a blog.

It all started with an email from my brother informing us (his family) that he had joined the Kingdom of Blog, and that his daughter, had not only become a citizen herself, but had in fact arrived a day before him. I clicked the link in his email, making the first fateful move, and was reading his entries, followed immediately by my nieces entry. I was impressed, I was moved, I thought, but most importantly, I left a comment. At the bottom of each entry is a link you can click to view and leave comments, I clicked, I typed out my comment, I clicked to submit my comment and it said I must become a member, and sign up for my own blog space in order to leave my comment. Fine! I spent all that time writing my comment, I wasn't going to let it go to waste. I signed up, I left my comment, I got blogged.

By default I have a blog. Now what? I could just leave it there hanging in cyber space waiting endlessly for content, meaningful or otherwise, or I could use this as an exercise in creativity and actually write something. I have decided on the latter, although there are those who might suggest that if I'm bothering to write something, how about a little new material for the show.

So here I sit, writing my first entry and wondering if in future entries I'll have anything to say. I'm not involved in politics, world problems, or any of the "really big" issues, I don't even watch American Idol (there's got to be hundreds of Blogs on that topic alone). I'm just your average American variety entertainer trying to be a good and loving husband, and an encouraging loving father, that does the right thing...

On second thought, I guess I am involved in really important issues, and who knows, I just might have something worth saying after all.

PS In the interest of full discolsure I don't actually know if Bono has a blog, but it does seem likely.

Also, my blog is set up so that you may leave a comment without being required to sign-up.